Tax Slavery Test Program Launched

(PatriotHQ) Much of America views California as the ‘land of fruits and nuts’ and thereby ignore much of what goes on in the Hollywood State. This is why the tax Golden State of California is a perfect proving grounds for the Federal government to test its tax slavery programs, no one will take it seriously, but America should!

If the growing Patriot movement is right the new scheme to extend the reach of the ability for States to create a lifetime tax is being tested now!

Taxing citizens who leave their woke gulag (California) is their most recent unconstitutional scheme to grab tax dollars they don’t deserve.

Assemblyman Alex Lee, a Democrat, and nine other Democrats got together and proposed legislation which would require “California residents” who have a “worldwide net worth” greater than $1 billion to pay an additional 1.5 percent tax beginning in January of the following year. This tax would be required to be paid by “California residents.” Lee is a Democrat. Then, the threshold could drop to those with a net worth of $50 million as early as 2026, with an imposed tax rate of 1% being applicable to those individuals.

Taxes on wealth to bring about fairness in taxation; only the truly obnoxious wealthy would be affected. But the truth is many will say ‘Billionaires can afford it’, but what they are not seeing is the legislation is crafted so to reach millionaires in the near future!

The secret sauce is because of inflation everyone will become a millionaire just so they can buy bread!

Alex Lee and his followers believe by concocting an unconstitutional tax, they will be able to use the money to correct a budget deficit  they have created  is $22.5 billion dollars in size.

Lee’s calculations show the tax would result in an increase of revenue of $21.6 billion for the state, despite the fact it would only affect 1% of the state’s total population, which by itself doesn’t raise red flags until one looks closer and realize once the State has their toe in the door the level of taxation will be lowered to everyone who leaves the Golden State no matter what their net worth is!

Lee whined about it in a tweet, saying: “Billionaires are not paying what they owe, despite the fact they are benefiting from public investments in order to build their empires. My colleagues here today, along with colleagues from seven other states, are introducing legislation to bring about tax justice through the implementation of wealth taxes. TaxTheRich.”

The test program seems to have elements of success, because seven other states have also joined in on the tax slave test.

Even if a person moves out of the state, they may still be required to make tax payments on their assets under certain provisions found in California’s legislation. Oddly, not on their income?

This charade is completely transparent to Jared Walczak, who serves as the Vice President of state projects at the Tax Foundation. He is of the opinion not only will it cause an increase in the number of people leaving the state, but also  it will be too expensive to put into effect.

The proposed increase in the sales tax in California would be detrimental to the economy, difficult to administer, and would cause a significant number of wealthy residents to leave the state, taking all of their current tax payments with them. To administer such a tax scheme costs big bucks! The tax slavery bill sets aside as much as $660 million per year, just for administrative costs. This is more than $40,000 per potential taxpayer!

So, before you laugh at the ‘Land of Fruits and Nut’ beware, tax slavery is cooking and soon to boil over to your State as well.

So, if a state can tax a citizen even if they relocate then why can’t they tax them for breathing air?  ……..they will!

It’s called the: Climate Protect Act and it’s coming for your wallet.

Stay, leave or breath the Tax and Spend Mob will hunt you down and enslave your wallet!

(unless the sheeple rise up and say NO)


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