We are PatriotHQ
- We believe America is the greatest nation on earth.
- We believe in the Declaration of Independence: that all are created equal and have been endowed with inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
- We believe our Founding Fathers created the Constitution of the United States as a founding document to ensure the retention and restoration of the values that make America flourish now and for future generations.
- We believe in limited government, separation of powers, and the rights of all Americans.
For far too long, our social, political, and economic freedoms have been under attack by those who aim to destroy the very fiber of our Constitution.
Well, we have had enough.
PatriotHQ insists on a stronger, safer, and more prosperous America. We are a nation of friendship and peace, but we are also prepared to deal with those who want to do us harm.
We here at PatriotHQ will do our part to hold the government accountable and bring awareness to important issues to keep you safe and informed.
We believe every American should decide what’s best for themselves, their families, their communities, and most importantly, their country.
Join us in our fight to protect the ideals that will ensure a stronger, safer and more prosperous America.
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PatriotHQ strives for factual, accurate reporting. Corrections and updates to curated articles are noted at either the top or bottom of the article, depending on the size and length of the correction. To report an error, please email: system(a)patriothq.com