Covid Jab Just Keeps On Giving! ….but that’s not all!

(Patriot Command Center)How many times have I referenced Ronald Reagan’s famous quote: “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”  Once again ringing true!

Let’s see if I have this right, shall we?

  1. A foreign government cooks up a deadly virus
  2. China Flu infects millions of Americans
  3. US Government pays billions of tax dollars to pharmaceutical companies to build an injectable vaccine
  4. Government funded pharmaceutical cooks up a limited tested injectable vaccine
  5. Government forces the military to receive compulsory injections
  6. Government pressures citizens to get a government mandated substance injected into their bodies
  7. Many citizens die from the vaccines
  8. 3 years later the vaccine is questionable and not what was advertised by the government

Did I get this right? ….Comment below….but keep on reading if you dare!

The claim COVID vaccines do not effectively prevent infection or transmission has been a subject of debate. There is a significant amount of scientific evidence which contradicts the idea vaccines are effective.

Steve Eichler’s eBooks, including “Underground Report: CoronaVirus Pandemic” and his best-selling  “Ground Zero Apocalypse,” have been recognized for their insightful analysis of the potential risks associated with COVID vaccines. However, it is crucial to approach these claims with a critical mindset, taking into account the various viewpoints on the pandemic and vaccination efforts.

How is this explained? Vaccination Report in Victoria, Australia, where over 95% of the adult population were mandated to received vaccinations. Investigative journalist Alex Berenson raises a point about a potential correlation between the high vaccination rate and an increase in deaths. Within the United Kingdom, there is concern vaccinated individuals between the ages of 40 and 74 have a doubled likelihood of being hospitalized. This statement goes against the widely accepted scientific consensus. But why has this report been ignored?

What about this? A recent analysis by Dr. Peter Doshi and other medical scientists, which suggests the mRNA vaccines may have a higher likelihood of causing hospitalization rather than offering protection. It is notable Dr. Doshi earned an AB in anthropology from Brown University, an AM in East Asian Studies from Harvard University and PhD in history, anthropology, and science, technology, and society from MIT. During his PhD, he was an intern at the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, a research student at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, and studied as visiting researcher at the University of Tokyo Center for Biomedical Ethics and Law. Dr. Doshi completed a fellowship in comparative effectiveness research at Johns Hopkins University before joining the faculty at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy.

Many articles raise concerns regarding accountability and raises doubts about the credibility of review health officials, it is important to acknowledge the collective efforts of scientists, researchers, and health organizations globally in their fight against the pandemic, but still irrefutable data and open-ended questions remain.  Government Public health measures have been crucial in mitigating the impact of illness and preventing healthcare systems from becoming overwhelmed.

However all too often hidden agendas of government control continue to bubble to the surface! Wonder why?

Final Word: The issue as I see it, is not the covid vaccine but rather the integrity of the government. But how could any red-blooded citizen ever doubt the intentions of our government and call  themselves a Patriot?

Please review these verified events performed and authorized by our government.

  • Antebellum medical experimentation with slaves 1850-1870
  • Tuskegee Experiments syphilis and AIDS experiments on blacks
  • Radiation experiments on Blacks, Prisoners and Military personal
  • Caged prisoners forced-fed paint chips – 1920-1960
  • Agent Orange experiments of prisoners, military, civilians
  • Smallpox infected blankets giving to American Indians – Genocide
  • Syphilitic infected prostitutes given to prison inmates, mental patients, and soldiers
  • Massive Irradiation of Black Cancer Patients 1960 until 1971,
  • The Monster Study – speech experiments on orphan children, 1939, Wendell Johnson, University of Iowa
  • Project 4.1 Marshall Islands natives, exposed to radiation fallout from the Castle Bravo nuclear test at Bikini Atoll, U.S. watch quietly and see what happened.
  • San Francisco – September 20, 1950, US Navy ship off the coast of San Francisco used giant hoses to spray clouds of microbes into the air and into the city’s famous fog. The military was testing a biological weapon attack on the 800,000 residents of the city. Airborne bioparticles over 1950 – 1970. 2024 update: 46% of the homeless have substance use or serious mental health disorder. Over 50% of the homeless were born between 1950 to 1970. Related?
  • Dusting America – US/Canadian Border – military tested biological, chemical, bacteria, and various chemical powders including an especially controversial one called zinc cadmium sulfide. Low flying airplanes through the Midwest dropping their payloads over cities.
  • COVID-19 mandated injectable to make the list?


Remember, I’m from the government and I’m here to help, your injection is ready, bend over.