(PatriotHQ) Lets face it, under Trump America had lower gas prices, cheaper groceries, lower inflation and sound fiscal policy. Now, the Biden Regime has created a bottomless pit and America is sliding headfirst into oblivion!
However, since the Biden Regime has the backing of the Lame Stream media the story is all rosy and sweet. But nothing could be further from the truth!
But many are seeing the ‘bank fix’ the Swamp has applied to the banking system is like…..
Putting a band-aid on a volcano!
This this is a joke, keep reading. The Chief Economist of Moody’s Statement: “Inflation Is Still High” Thus, problems like as banking issues would likely persist for the “Next 12–18 Months.”
Get this. Chief Economist of Moody’s Analytics, Mark Zandi, stated the problems in the banking industry are the inevitable result of rate hikes by the Federal Reserve where….
“…. things are going to start to wobble and break and it’s going to feel uncomfortable.”
Zandi’s comments were made in reference to the fact “things are going to start to wobble and break and it’s going to feel uncomfortable.” Inflation is “still high,” and as a result,
“…the next 12 to 18 months are going to be difficult.”
It seems weird to go back to something which was said before all this Swamp Banking stuff, Senate, Chairman Powell talked about how things were going to get bumpy after the Fed made its moves. The host, John Dickerson, asked, “It seems weird to go back to something Powell said before all of this banking stuff. What does bumpy imply to you, and does what we’ve seen in the banking business essentially look like bumpy?”
The response Zandi gave was, what bumpy looks like….
When interest rates are increased at such a rapid pace and to such a high level as they have been over the course of the past year by the Federal Reserve, things are going to start to wobble and break, and it is going to feel unpleasant. And this, what we saw in the Swamp Banking system over the course of the last eight to ten days, is exactly what he was talking about.
The ride is likely to get choppy. And I don’t think we’re out of the woods yet.
The rate of inflation is still quite high. There is still work to be done by the Fed to restore inflation. And because of this, the next 12 to 18 months are going to be challenging.
In addition to this, Zandi was quoted as saying, [T]he financial system is weak. Everyone is aware of it. We had deposit runs. It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise the Swamp Banking sector is under a lot of pressure. Now we know the truth, let’s check to see if the structure is sound and make any necessary adjustments. It seems to fit the bill.
I believe the actions taken by the FDIC, the Treasury, and the Federal Reserve are sufficient; nonetheless, let’s just make sure.
In conclusion. Swamp Banking is nothing more than a Band-Aid on a volcano. Soon the tricks of Swamp Banking will run out and then America will be exposed to the most horrible churning of our economy the US has ever seen. But then again, the Swamp may want to be reelected so we just may dodge the bullet.
However, prepare now for hardship, however, if it doesn’t come we will be better off!
What do you think?