Shocking! Male Traditional Sexuality Soon Extinct

(Patriot Command Center)”Toxic”, “Neanderthal”, “breeder”, and “bourgeois pig” typically refer to males, unless they are homosexual, in which case they are considered enlightened, progressive, and evolved. (lol)

The underlying issue arises when we consider human evolution necessitates reproducing the next stage, and when we incorporate theology into this notion, it becomes a male’s responsibility to spread, nurture, and instruct his offspring on the correct path.

This depends on whether one believes man is a creation of G*d or just an animal, like a smart monkey. (some people are making monkey look good)

NOTICE: This article is directed towards males; this does not imply females are of lesser significance or in any way marginalized. However, it reveals the assaults on men in society. A next article will disclose the aggression against women.

In recent years, people have been talking more and more about the role of men and standard gender roles in society. There is a growing trend, some say, to shame men just for being men by calling them “toxic” or “primitive” “Neanderthals.” Critics assert this wave of criticism encompasses both young boys and adult men, specifically targeting them for significant changes in their sexuality and identities.

This is a major concern because young boys are being pressured to become homosexual or change their gender. Many citizens who are against this trend say it weakens traditional family structures by making it harder to have children.

Citizens who adhere to traditional, sexual relationships are often referred to as “breeders”, implying these ways of life are outdated in today’s society that increasingly values sexual diversity which is nothing more than perversion.

Citizen outcry is exposing gender transitions is wrong and against nature and the will of G*d!  They argue by encouraging young boys to transition into girls, society is creating a generation less likely to have babies, thereby raising concerns about population decline and the erosion of traditional family values and of course violating the will of the Most High. (not the government)

These changes represent a concerted assault on the conventional understanding of “normal” sexual behavior. In other words, the concept of “normal” has undergone a transformation, losing its distinct boundaries. If society’s old rules and ideals disappear, many fear non-reproduction will become the norm. This makes people worry about society’s ability to stay alive in the future. Many citizens think this generation might be the last one to reproduce in large numbers, thereby making America empty and void.

There are more and more worries about falling birth rates, but some critics say the Democrat Party are aware of this trend and are trying to stop it by allowing more illegal aliens to flow across the borders.

Why? The idea is the political elite is bringing in people from other countries, especially Latin America, where family values are more traditional, because they know that encouraging people to live non-reproductive lives may hurt their support base. People see these newcomers, who are mostly Catholic and place a lot of value on family and having children, as a way to increase the population and ensure that Liberal but reproductive political ideas live on in the future.

Critics say this approach lets the party keep supporting alternative sexual lifestyle without having to deal with the effects of a smaller population. By welcoming millions of illegal aliens who often have traditional ideas about family and reproduction, they hope to make up for the smaller number of people who choose lifestyles that don’t involve reproduction.

But another problem is silently arising in America and that is sex-replacement through entertainment leading to video addiction.

Many citizens are alarmed about the proliferation of addictive digital entertainment, such as video games, is preventing young men from pursuing their aspirations. Previously viewed as a means of relaxation, critics now perceive video games as a means of evading real-life tasks. Citizens think every hour spent in a virtual world is an hour lost from being productive and reproductive in the real world.

On top of these problems, there is also the controversial topic of abortion. Men who are able to have children always run the risk of having their baby aborted, which takes away their chance to be fathers. Some critics say some women get abortions to keep men from fully participating in traditional family arrangements, which makes the population drop even more.

However this argument is not addressing situations where abortion is medically necessary or when a woman has experienced rape or sexual abuse, but only on an attack on men’s reproductive rights.

It’s not just computer games and abortion is are the problem; it’s a larger cultural story that makes young men feel lost. Society needs to give men something real to work toward if it wants men to contribute, have children, and build important relationships. If you tell young men to “do something else” without showing them how to do it, they probably won’t change their behavior.

Final Word: Young men are increasingly entangled in conflicting ideas. Men are under more pressure than ever to deal with societies perversion and outright hate of heterosexual values. The answer is very simple, read the Bible, follow it’s teachings and start a family!

OBTW – ignore what the world says, they are doomed!