(Patriot Command Center)Did a Biden Illegal with a blowtorch start these deadly fires? Law enforcement’s investigation into Mexican national [Name Withheld], a “person of interest,” highlights the complex intersections of immigration, public safety, and the challenges of wildfire management. Kenneth Fire near the Los Angeles and Ventura County line raised a controversial question: Could an illegal alien be responsible for starting this blaze?
The Kenneth Fire, which threatened homes in Calabasas and Hidden Hills, ignited significant public concern as it burned nearly 1,000 acres. This event underscored the critical importance of containing wildfires in densely populated areas. Authorities identified [Name Withheld] as a “person of interest” after residents reported suspicious activity.
Witnesses alleged [Name Withheld], riding a bicycle and carrying a large blowtorch, attempted to ignite garbage cans and discarded Christmas trees on fire. Local residents reportedly intervened and detained him until police arrived. However, LAPD officers ruled an illegal alien with a blowtorch going through neighborhoods on a bicycle that quickly caught fire was inadequate probable cause to arrest him for arson. WHAT—OMG!
According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), [Name Withheld] entered the U.S. illegally and has been involved in multiple incidents since 2016. His record includes a conviction for assault with a deadly weapon in October 2023 and several probation violations.
At the time of his arrest, [Name Withheld] was already under the supervision of the LA County Probation Department. He had failed to report to his probation officer and violated the terms of his probation, last checking in with authorities in November 2024. ICE issued a detainer for [Name Withheld] following his arrest for a felony probation violation.
Despite [Name Withheld] history and the initial concerns about his potential involvement in the Kenneth Fire, LAPD Divisional Chief Dominic Choi clarified the evidence did not support charging him with arson. “After the interview and additional investigative steps, looking at some additional evidence that was present, they still determined that there was not enough probable cause,” Choi stated.
The controversy surrounding this case has fueled debates about the role of immigration enforcement and public safety in wildfire-prone areas. Critics argue lax immigration policies can lead to increased risks, while others caution against drawing premature conclusions about individuals’ roles in complex incidents like wildfires.
Final Word: Let me get this right. Fires start popping across Southern California, some with no apparent cause, and an illegal alien was caught riding through fire-prone neighborhoods with a blowtorch and caught trying to light a fire BUT the police found no reasonable suspicion to detain him! They could have charged him, held him, and then dropped the charges. But NO! My question is: Did the illegal alien get his blowtorch back? ……Was that before or after the next rash of fires broke out?