FBI Does 1,000,000 Searches In Error – oops!

(PatriotHQ) Big Mistake! OMG, Sorry!! If someone should know the law it would be the FBI! Founded in 1908, they have had plenty of time to figure out how to do a ‘legal search’ and limit mistakes and errors to a relatively low number! But not at the FBI. They simply throw up their hands and say: “oops” and the American people must now relax and realize 1,000,000 ‘oop’s’ is normal and standard, right?

OBTW – what is going to happen to all the data the FBI collected from their’ mistaken searched?

Get this. Over 1,000,000 secret FBI searches were done wrong: On April 27, a watchdog group told Congress the FBI made mistakes in more than one million secret searches of Americans. In other words, ‘Nothing to See Here’.

Inspector General of the Department of Justice Michael Horowitz stated about 30% of the about 3.4 million searches were done wrong. This begs the question: How wrong?

Horowitz told a panel of the U.S. House of Representatives, “It’s obviously very worrying there many searches.” He also said the high number of mistakes worried him the most.

Under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), FBI agents were able to do the searches in question. The bill allows U.S. authorities to gather information on U.S. citizens suspected of being involved with possible spies or terrorists. What does ‘suspected’ mean?

U.S. intelligence sources say the FBI did about 3.39 million searches in 2021. In 2020, there were only 1.2 million.

Sharon Bradford Franklin, who oversees the U.S. Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, told members of Congress they should pass new laws with more protections for Americans. She said every question asked of an American should have to be backed up by proof or a court review.

“Congress has the power to do for sure. And I think ‘s one of the most important things for this Congress group to think about,” Horowitz said. He said adding new standards could make the FBI’s work load bigger.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said he was in favor of having more rules.

“The solution is easy right? “You need to have a good reason to look up information about American citizens in this database,” he said. He also thought about cutting the FBI off from the database completely.

When asked for a response, the FBI did not give one.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) also said the system needs to be changed “to better protect Americans’ communications.”

Beth Williams, a member of the U.S. Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, told other members if the FBI were taken out of the picture, another body would need to fill the void.

“The question is, who will do these searches if not the FBI to find out who in the U.S. is talking to terrorists abroad?” Williams was curious. Revoking FBI access runs the risk of making the CIA or National Security Agency, which “look outward,” look “inward on Americans,” she added.

After the FBI spied on a U.S. resident who worked for then-candidate Donald Trump’s campaign, the FISA work of the FBI was looked at again. Horowitz’s office found there were major mistakes in the spying requests.

When some of the questions came after were investigated, it was found none of them were done right.

FBI leaders have said in the past they would do less wrong and asked members to keep reauthorizing FISA.

Members of Congress wanted to talk about how to change the act, which is set to end at the end of the year if nothing is done.

In conclusion. Now it is disclosed the FBI did 1,000,000 by mistake what are they going to do with the data they collected? Upon whom? How many were US Citizens? ….and who gave the order for the searched? We don’t know, we don’t know, we don’t know….and we’ll never find out!

Why is that?