Energy Starvation To Hit Our Homes

(Patriot Command Center)How do you heat and cool your home, cook food, and enjoy the good things that modern technology has brought you? Without a doubt, by using energy. But what if, in the name of freedom and equity, your country cuts off your power?

Will the god of the greater good accept your dark, cold home as an offering?

Your life is about to be energy starved! During a recent appearance on a prominent news program, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas expressed his perspective on the escalating oil prices and the potential ramifications for the United States economy. The discussion provided insights into the various factors contributing to the recent surge in fuel prices, highlighting the potential ramifications of the energy policies implemented by the Biden administration, and emphasizing the imperative of developing a new green deal on the backs of the taxpayer.

In recent times, there has been a noticeable upward trajectory in oil prices, prompting a growing sense of perplexity regarding the factors driving this surge. The recent surge in diesel prices has become a cause for concern within the trucking industry, potentially posing a notable risk to the overall economy.

The recent agreement between Saudi Arabia and Russia to curtail oil production has had a significant impact on the global oil market, resulting in an increase in oil prices worldwide.

Senator Ted Cruz contended  this particular development serves as a clear indication of the Biden administration’s shortcomings in the realm of foreign policy.

Furthermore, Cruz underscored the detrimental consequences of the Biden administration’s persistent endeavors to restrict oil and gas production within the United States.

President Biden, in line with his campaign promises, made a commitment to cease new drilling activities on federal lands, both onshore and offshore. Since taking office, his administration has been actively pursuing this agenda with great determination. In recent times, the United States has experienced a shift in its oil dominance and energy independence, leading to a transfer of control to OPEC Plus, which consists of Saudi Arabia and Russia.

Senator Cruz expressed deep concern, emphasizing  this issue goes beyond mere economic implications and extends to the realm of national security. He expressed disapproval of the Biden administration’s implementation of these policies, which they claim are aligned with the Green New Deal, despite the fact  the United States boasts one of the most environmentally friendly oil and gas production methods worldwide.

The decision to rely on foreign sources for production, particularly those with higher environmental impact such as the Middle East, Russia, Venezuela, and Iran, raises concerns about the compatibility with environmental objectives. This shift has the potential to adversely affect both job opportunities and consumers within the United States.

Final Word: America is running out of oil because of how the Biden Regime has mismanaged energy. Not because there is no oil in our ground, but because the Biden Regime would rather hire millions of foreign workers to drill, harvest, and process oil in their country and then sell it to us at an inflated price. Soon, America won’t be able to buy oil from other countries, and since drilling and refining oil in America is illegal, the country will run out of energy, this mean……Energy Starvation.