Children Of The Hitlerian Boot Camp Alive And Well

(PatriotHQ) The man who the world can not forget is still alive in the hearts and souls of the enlighten progressive power-mad narcissists. The socialist elites are being trained to pick up where the Nazi’s left off! Think this is a joke or a tinfoil hat conspiracy? Think again!

Many older people today remember the Brown Shirts, Black Shirts, and Stalin’s Secret Police which proves every new power has a staunch army or police force. The World Economic Forum (WEF) Young Global Leaders (YGL) are attractive, well-dressed, and safe but are just as deadly as the youth of 1938 and yes, the YGL members are hazardous and sometimes hard to spot.

The Young Global Leaders (YGL) were created by WEF founder Klaus Schwab. The Swiss government monitors Geneva-based non-profit YGL. The World Economic Forum began the program in 1993. In 2004, “Global Leaders for Tomorrow” became “Young Global Leaders.”

Schwab was born into the Nazi aristocracy in 1938. The YGL educates individuals about socialism. Find “suitable future leaders for the emerging global society, a one-world global government.” Politicians, businesspeople, royalty, journalists, artists, and other cultural influencers live there.

1938 Nazi child elite Schwab. He was raised to slay the unworthy. Schwab claims to be a free-market academic. However, he appears distant when examined attentively. Schwab’s Nazi father handed him the sophisticated metals company Escher-Wyss, which Hitler used to make powerful bombs. Hitler termed it “Model National Socialist Company.” After the war, the company moved to Switzerland, and despite his commercial skills, it went bankrupt.

Over 1,400 (some estimate 3,800) graduates from 120 nations have graduated. Here is a short list of the Hitlerian Boot-Camp Graduates:

  • Justin Trudeau (Canada),
  • Emmanuel Macron (France),
  • Gavin Newsom (Governor of California),
  • Bill Gates,
  • Chelsea Clinton,
  • Jeff Bezos (Amazon),
  • Larry Fink (BlackRock),
  • Peter Thiel (eBay),
  • Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook),
  • Nikki Haley (US presidential candidate),
  • Nathaniel Rothschild,
  • Tony Blair,
  • Angela Merkel,
  • Jonathan Soros (son of George),
  • Huma Abedin,
  • And a lot more……

See? They’re everywhere. New, young leaders intend to return home and promote global socialism. Washington, Ottawa, London, and Paris are strongholds. They don’t care about their people’s needs, borders, history, or traditions. At the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and George Soros are their sole superiors.

Klaus Schwab said, “Our WEF young globalist leaders get into cabinets of countries around the world.” Half of Justin Trudeau’s cabinet is YGL. ‘s revealing.

Justin Trudeau learned YGL management from Klaus Schwab. It’s understandable why he wouldn’t meet with the Truckers Freedom Convoy, 50,000 truckers concerned about vaccine mandates. Trudeau followed his training and Fidel Castro, his father, even though over a million Canadians supported the trucks. He ignored Canadians’ opinions. Schwab boasts in a 2017 video his Hitlerian Young Global Leaders program created half of Canada’s cabinet and the prime minister. Trudeau is a dictator-to-be. To watch.

Although Biden is too old to graduate from YGL, his heart is there. “Our patience is wearing thin” was the worst thing a president could say to the 40% of Americans who didn’t get the COVID shot. At YGL, French President Macron told anti vaxxers they would no longer be French citizens and he would “pisse them off” with his policies.  may explain France’s recent unrest.

The Young Global Leaders have shaped global policies, undermined democracy, and created followers through the World Economic Forum.

Be prepared because the World National Socialist State is returning.

In conclusion: They are many, but we are the masses nothing and no one can stand in our way. This is our calling and our purpose. Be the solution.